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[services_small title=”WooCommerce Compatible” icon_bool=”yes” icon=”steadysets-icon-bag” style=”style_1″ icon_color=”#e5af5a” dynamic_content_type=”content” dynamic_post=”1142″ dynamic_page=”2298″ dynamic_content_link=”#” align=”left”]

Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea eum consequat.

[services_small title=”WPML – MultiLanguage Theme” icon_bool=”yes” icon=”steadysets-icon-email2″ style=”style_1″ icon_color=”#e5af5a” dynamic_content_type=”content” dynamic_post=”1142″ dynamic_page=”2298″ dynamic_content_link=”#” align=”left”]

Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea eum consequat.

[services_small title=”Perfect code like a niche” icon_bool=”yes” icon=”steadysets-icon-checkbox-checked” style=”style_1″ icon_color=”#e5af5a” dynamic_content_type=”content” dynamic_post=”1142″ dynamic_page=”2298″ dynamic_content_link=”#” align=”left”]

Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea eum consequat.

[block_title style=”column_title” inner_style=”simple” inner_style_title=”small_border” padding_desc=”28%” title=”ESSENTIAL DESIGN SKILLS”] [/block_title]

Tower WordPress Business-Driven Multi-purpose Theme its created with the business websites needs in mind. So we offer a theme tailored for high performace in desing, speed and marketing. Tower have 4 principal packages: Agency, Business, Minimal, Portfolio.

[skills][skill title=”PHP Development” percentage=”60″][skill title=”WordPress Themes” percentage=”80″][skill title=”Web Design” percentage=”80″][/skills]
[counter text=”Post Likes” icon=”linecon-icon-like” number=”6219″ icon_bool=”no”]
[counter text=”Theme Options” icon=”linecon-icon-params” number=”2000″ icon_bool=”no”]
[counter text=”People Involved” icon=”linecon-icon-heart” number=”477″ icon_bool=”no”]
[counter text=”Members” icon=”linecon-icon-world” number=”4112″ icon_bool=”no”]
[block_title style=”section_title” inner_style=”simple” inner_style_title=”two_titles” padding_desc=”28%” title=”Showcase your Portfolio” subtitle=”Our Works”]Claritas est etiam processus dynamicus, qui sequitur mutationem consuetudium lectorum.
Mirum est notare quam littera gothica, quam nunc putamus[/block_title]
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[textbar style=”style_1″ second_title_bool=”no” button_bool=”yes” button_title=”Purchase Now” button_link=”” icon=”steadysets-icon-type” fontweight=”“600“” underline=”“true“”]

Unlimited possibilities of portfolio showcase, more than 100 styles.

[block_title style=”column_title” inner_style=”simple” inner_style_title=”small_border” padding_desc=”28%” title=”BEST CHOICE FOR YOUR ONLINE PRESENCE”] [/block_title]

Tower WordPress Business-Driven Multi-purpose Theme its created with the business websites needs in mind. So we offer a theme tailored for high performace in desing, speed and marketing.

Tower have 4 principal packages: Agency, Business, Minimal, Portfolio with this categories you don’t need to buy anymore a wordpress theme because every website its included in this packs. Tower its fully responsive wordpress theme so you will get high ranking on google and other search engines.

[media type=”image” alignment=”center” animation=”bottom” marginbottom=”normal” lightbox_link_bool=”no” image=”1576″ width=”500″]
[services_small title=”REAL MULTI-PURPOSE” icon_bool=”yes” icon=”steadysets-icon-bars” style=”style_1″ icon_color=”#e5af5a” dynamic_content_type=”content” dynamic_post=”1142″ dynamic_page=”2298″ dynamic_content_link=”#” align=”left”]

Unlimited possibilities to create outstanding websites. Unique and useful demos for your next project. Get the best from a $55 theme.

[/services_small][services_small title=”ONE CLICK DEMO DATA” icon_bool=”yes” icon=”steadysets-icon-heart” style=”style_1″ icon_color=”#e5af5a” dynamic_content_type=”content” dynamic_post=”1142″ dynamic_page=”2298″ dynamic_content_link=”#” align=”left”]

With only one click create your site with your preferred demo from our list of demos.Select one template and fully install.

[services_small title=”CUSTOM CODELESS SLIDER” icon_bool=”yes” icon=”steadysets-icon-email2″ style=”style_1″ icon_color=”#e5af5a” dynamic_content_type=”content” dynamic_post=”1142″ dynamic_page=”2298″ dynamic_content_link=”#” align=”left”]

Custom slider from our team, with the possibility to create a slider with parallax effects animation and theme styled buttons.

[/services_small][services_small title=”EXTRA SIDE NAVIGATION” icon_bool=”yes” icon=”steadysets-icon-book2″ style=”style_1″ icon_color=”#e5af5a” dynamic_content_type=”content” dynamic_post=”1142″ dynamic_page=”2298″ dynamic_content_link=”#” align=”left”]

Add new widgetized area expandable with a button for your clients to fulfill their requests more attractive way

[services_small title=”VIDEO BACKGROUNDS” icon_bool=”yes” icon=”steadysets-icon-cube” style=”style_1″ icon_color=”#e5af5a” dynamic_content_type=”content” dynamic_post=”1142″ dynamic_page=”2298″ dynamic_content_link=”#” align=”left”]

Add video background in slider, sections and page headers. Create fantastic creative pages, and all of this in simple manner

[/services_small][services_small title=”SITE WIDTH CONTROL” icon_bool=”yes” icon=”steadysets-icon-barbell” style=”style_1″ icon_color=”#e5af5a” dynamic_content_type=”content” dynamic_post=”1142″ dynamic_page=”2298″ dynamic_content_link=”#” align=”left”]

Tower provides unlimited layout customizations. With easy to use theme options you can create an unique page.

[media type=”image” alignment=”center” animation=”bottom” marginbottom=”normal” lightbox_link_bool=”no” image=”3211″ width=”460″]
[block_title style=”column_title” inner_style=”simple” inner_style_title=”small_border” padding_desc=”28%” title=”FULLY RESPONSIVE DESIGN ON EVERY DEVICE”] [/block_title]

Codeless Team have worked hard to ensure you the infinitely possibilities that this Bundle Theme can offer to you : Buy 18+ Themes at price of one (more in advance).

If you do not find the right Demo site for your need, vote now to our survey what you need more from Tower and our specialized team will provide these features or demos to the next update. The last but not the least: With Tower you can create your custom site very very easy and in the most fastest way you have ever tried. Endless Options and Possibilities.

[button title=”Purchase Now” link=”” icon=”steadysets-icon-type” align=”left” button_bool=”no” button_2_link=”#”]
[block_title style=”section_title” inner_style=”simple” inner_style_title=”two_titles” padding_desc=”28%” title=”Our Latest Blog / News” subtitle=”THOUGHTS”]Claritas est etiam processus dynamicus, qui sequitur mutationem consuetudium lectorum.
Mirum est notare quam littera gothica, quam nunc putamus[/block_title]
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[block_title style=”section_title” inner_style=”simple” inner_style_title=”two_titles” padding_desc=”28%” title=”What They Say” subtitle=”Our Clients”] [/block_title][testimonial_carousel test_cat=”0″]
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[textbar style=”style_1″ second_title_bool=”no” button_bool=”yes” button_title=”Purchase Now” button_link=”” icon=”steadysets-icon-type” fontweight=”“600“” underline=”“true“”]

All of this with only $59! Be part of our large community and enjoy it

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